With the Omnibus proposal, the EU Commission has announced far-reaching measures to ease regulatory burdens on businesses – fewer reporting obligations, more digitalization, and a stronger focus on innovation.
Digital Product Passport & Reporting Obligations: Why One Has Nothing to Do with the Other
What impact does Omnibus have on the Digital Product Passport (DPP)? In short: none. The Digital Product Passport has nothing to do with reporting obligations. With the Omnibus proposal, the EU wants to relieve companies by simplifying reporting obligations & reducing regulatory hurdles:
Sustainability reporting obligations (CSRD, CSDD, CBAM) are to be reduced by 25%, which should save companies up to 40 billion euros in bureaucratic costs.
100 billion euros for decarbonization to make energy-intensive industries more climate-friendly.
Digital solutions such as e-invoices & e-signatures are promoted as drivers of efficiency & innovation.
These measures relate exclusively to traditional reporting obligations - and not to the introduction of the Digital Product Passport or the Ecodesign Regulation (ESPR). Digital Product Passport and reporting obligations should be processed separately from each other.
The Digital Product Passport has nothing to do with CSRD, CSDDD or other reporting requirements - it is a tool for digital transparency & product management.
Digital product passport and : Not a reporting obligation, but a transparency and management tool
Digital tools such as the DPP are therefore not there to replace reporting obligations, but to enable efficient, sustainable business models. It is therefore not just another reporting instrument, but a digital data management tool that offers companies tangible benefits:
Reduces manual effort & improves product lifecycle management (such as repair, reuse, recycling)
Ensures better supply chain transparency & data control
Enables a new form of customer interaction & data-driven services
Builds an interoperable, standardized data infrastructure for companies
The Digital Productpassport is being introducedas part of the Ecodesign Regulation (ESPR) to support sustainable product strategies - not to burden companies with additional bureaucracy.
Digitalization & simplification should be considered together
Fewer reporting obligations does not mean fewer data requirements. Companies must continue to demonstrate sustainable processes - but more efficiently.
The DPP is not a compliance killer - but a strategic tool for data-based value creation.
Companies should not see the DPP as a regulatory obligation, but as an opportunity to use data for their own business success.
📌 Deeper:(1) Omnibus-Vorschlag(2) EU-Kommission zu CSRD & CSDDD(3) Ecodesign Regulation & DPP(4) Digitale Strategien der EU